Tuesday 29th October 2024 - Heck of a Noise, Gone Feral and More Erupt
That was a bit of wishful thinking, that after the clocks went back, it would be light at six in the morning. It isn’t. Still never mind, it’s not long after this when the skies brighten and I hear the birds start singing. After starting this month’s blogs, by commenting it was not a good start (weather wise) to October, overall it’s been pretty good month with temperatures in double figures centigrade and not too many cold winds.
I was woken up around four on Monday morning by one heck of a noise which at first, I wondered if I had dreamt it but some minutes later, I heard it again and then once more. By then I was awake and just lay there pondering what the noise was; it was nothing like I’d heard before. All was to be revealed later, when we went out for our walk and spotted two UK Power Networks vehicles, with two engineers standing by. There was a problem with a cable, hence the noise, and this had been alerted, by an ambulance crew, with the larger van first on the scene at around four; the second had recently arrived. Both engineers were waiting for tree surgeons to come and cut back a tree so they could complete the cable repair. Fortunately, only one property had been left without power, pending the repair. Come early afternoon, all was back to normal, apart from a large pile of branches stacked on the drive of the property with the now trimmed tree.
I haven’t mentioned for some time, part feral cat Lunar, who is our cat Sid’s, sister and who we were feeding in our conservatory. She slept in there too. Lunar occasionally disappeared, returning four or five days later but in the summer, she went and never returned. We were greatly concerned as to what had happened to her but then she was spotted by a couple of people, as well as us, and to cut a longish story short, she is now waiting each morning in some rough ground for me to bring her some food. Always a good hunter, leaving mouse remains in our conservatory, I imagine she’s supplementing what I provide with an assortment of wildlife. I presume, she has somewhere dry to shelter, sleep and keep warm. Lunar is always welcome back with us. As to what caused her to leave, I don’t suppose we will ever know, but there is a cat in the area that has been terrorising the local felines, Sid included.

We have spotted a number of different fungi both on our walks and in our garden. Today, I’ve chosen a couple of the fungi photos I have taken recently. Every day more erupt, they are fascinating with their different forms. We have been listening to a programme about fungi – so much more to them than we see above ground.
