living on the North Norfolk Coast
Village Clubs, Groups and Societies
Listed in alphabetical order with information about meeting dates and times, where applicable.
Underlining denotes a link to a website, Facebook or a page on this site.
Belfry Centre for Music & Arts - The centre offers regular meetings and courses etc. ranging from foreign language, music, yoga and keep fit classes etc. It is also the meeting place of a toddlers group, book club and hosts regular art exhibitions, concerts, soul nights and talks etc.
Bowls Club meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from the end of April to end of September on the Sports Ground. Roll-ups start at 2 pm, visitors welcome. Chairman, John Pelton - email johnpelton@btinternet.com. Secretary, Liz Nuttal - email herm1960@btinternet.com
Car Boot Sales on the Sports Field from the end of May to mid-September, every Thursday between 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Carpet Bowls Club in the Parish Hall each Thursday at 2.00 p.m.
Conservative Club in the Londs. Open Monday to Friday 4pm to 11pm and on Saturdays and Sundays 2pm to 11pm. Holiday and full memberships available. Weekly Quiz Nights on Wednesday evenings at 8.15 pm, raffle, non members welcome. For other events at the Club phone 01263 579500 or see their Facebook Page or the notices posted outside the club.
Cricket Club Matches on the Sports Ground on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Fixture dates details on the noticeboard by the main Sports Ground gate, or see their Facebook page.
Gardening Club meets first Tuesday in the month, except in January, at 2.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall in the Londs
Overstrand Community Choir meets in The Belfry Centre on Wednesdays from 7.30 p.pm to 9.30 p.m.
Overstrand Sports Club The Bar in the Pavilion is open every Friday evening from 7 p.m. during the spring and summer months. In addition there are live music nights throughout the year.
Overstrand Together Village fundraising group who organise various events throughout the year. Meetings which are open to all village residents are held throughout the year. See their Facebook page for more information.
Overstrand Village Coffee Mornings every Thursday in the Sports Club Pavilion from 10.00 to 12.30. A great place to meet friends and make new ones. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee plus a slice of cake or a sausage roll all supplied by ladies of the village. All proceeds from the food is donated to the new Cancer Ward being built at Cromer Hospital.
Poppylanders An informal ladies group meet on the last Tuesday in the month in the Pavillion on the Sports Ground.
Railway Quilters meet every second and fourth Tuesday of each month between 10 a.m. and 12 noon in the Overstrand Club and Bar, at the top of The Londs. Not just quilting, the Railway Quilters are involved in a variety of crafts including knitting, embroidery, tapestry, lace making etc. All standards welcome, including beginners. Contact Vivian Maggs on 01263 576986 or Bridget Mann on 01263 578164 for more information.
Soul Toddlers - meet Wednesdays during term time in the Parish Hall in The Londs between 10-12 a.m. Parent, Carer, Baby and Toddler group open to children from 0-4 years. Visit their Facebook page for further information.£1 per adult. Contact Miriam Howell at miriam.howell@soulchurch.com for more information.
The Strand Club meet second Wednesday each month at 2.00 p.m. in The Barn in The White Horse public house.
Yarn Art Group, is open to all and meets every Tuesday between 1pm and 3pm in The Belfry Centre for Music and Arts. The group provides a warm welcoming creative space where people can work together or enjoy company whilst they work on their own project, as well as, learning from each other and sharing ideas.