living on the North Norfolk Coast
For details of Church Services, (St Martins and the Methodist Church) please see noticeboards in the Village.
Events and activities at the Belfry Centre for Music & Arts are on their Facebook Page and their Website.
Overstrand Conservative Club's events are posted outside the Club and on their Facebook Page.
Overstrand Parish Council's Meetings are scheduled on their Website.
Every Monday - Yoga with Jess from 18.30 and 19.30 in the Parish Hall. For more information email yogawithjessnorfolk@gmail.com
Every Tuesday - Fitness Classes with India Mills at 10.00 in the Parish Hall in The Londs For more infromation email India - indiamills753@googlemail.com or phone 07534899037
Every Wednesday - Fitness Classes with India Mills at 10.00 at the Belfry Centre. For more information, see contact details above
Every Wednesday - Quiz Night at the Conservative Club (High Street) at 20.15
Village Coffee Mornings every Thursday between 10.00 and 12.00 in the Sports Pavilion
Tuesday 18th February - Mobile Library stopping at Bracken End at 14.45 and Hillingdon Park at 15.05 - PLEASE NOTE: due to gas works in Pauls Lane the library van may not be able to access Hillingdon Park
Tuesday 18th March - Mobile Library stopping at Bracken End at 14.45 and Hillingdon Park at 15.05
Saturday 19th July - Rockstock - bands etc. tba.
Sunday 28th July - Overstrand Together's Summer Fair - more details to folllow