Thursday 11th November 2021 - Update, Mild and Armistice Day
I am starting today off with an update on my last blog. Hunger did get the better of part feral cat Lunar. She returned on Monday morning and tucked into her breakfast but it was immediately obvious she had a lump on her side. Since then it has reduced in size, doesn’t appear to cause her pain but still needs monitoring. We picked the rubbish on the area of the car park where spectators stood for the bonfire and fireworks. Andy’s boat is now up on the Fishermen’s Green, so I was right to question as to whether there would be any more crabs for sale in Andy’s shop. Rob’s boat, Cara Marie, remains on the prom so he may still be bringing up a few crabs with his wife selling them from her trailer in Mundesley – we should find out tomorrow, if there are any, when we drive to the village for our meat, fish and greengrocery.
It has been unseasonably mild. According to the weather forecast the other evening, temperatures are around 13°C which is 6-7°C warmer than we would normally expect in November. I am sure it won’t be long before we are brought down to reality but in the meantime, best to make the most of it before winter’s chill takes its grip. Sidestepping from our weather; today is Armistice Day when we remember those (humans and animals) who lost their lives in wars. It would be easy to leave these memories with those who were involved, either directly or through family relationships, where through the passage of time they would eventually be forgotten. It was therefore reassuring to learn that pupils of Oak Class at The Belfry School are currently being taught about The Battle of Britain and to see them today at the village War Memorial joining in the short service, with two members of the class laying a wreath. There was a good attendance, with parents and villagers joining the children in paying their respects to those who were killed. We listened to an interesting radio programme the other day about the poppies, which are produced to raise funds and provide employment for former service men and women as part of the annual British Legions Poppy Appeal. The first poppies were made of cotton and silk, by Madame Guérin who was known as The Poppy Lady of France, to raise money for the widows and orphans of those who were lost in World War 1. However, the idea of a paper poppy came from Major George Rowson, resulting in the production of the first poppies in a similar format as we know them today in 1922, three years after the first Remembrance Day in 1919. Since then poppies and other related products have continued to provide work, for ex-service men and women, in both a factory and in private homes.
No surprise that today’s photo is poppy themed – the poppy flag flying today from the Parish Council’s flagpole on the car park.
