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Sunday 9th June 2024 - Next Vlog, Nematodes and CPR & Defibrillator Training

Writer's picture: Overstrand LifeOverstrand Life

I have been having thoughts how best to present my next vlog.  I am planning to demonstrate one of the simple recipes (none of them are particularly complicated) in my book, The 3R’s – Recipes, Reflections and Reminiscences.  With broad beans coming into season, I am going to share my recipe for broad beans, with yoghurt and dill.  After running through the basics, it became obvious I would need help with the filming – there is a limit I can achieve with one hand holding the camcorder and the other demonstrating the recipe.  I plan to cook this dish on Tuesday and will be able to film the first part but for the final section, I will need to enlist the help of Peter, as cameraman.  Oh, am I allowed to say cameraman; should I say cameraperson instead.  I really struggle to get my head round all this woke stuff.


There were quite a number of villagers, socialising and perusing the stalls, at the car boot sale on Thursday.  I purchased three more trays of bedding begonias.  These are to replace the swan river daisies, which I grew from seed and are gradually being munched by the slugs.  I chatted briefly to a villager, who had read in my blogs about our struggles with these slimy creatures.  Having problems, themselves they said they were going to try nematodes.  We have tried all sorts of deterrents and traps but not nematodes.  With the borders, under the trees and Peter’s vegetable plot, all favoured by slugs, we would have quite an area to cover and at least one repeated application would be required, during the growing season.  This, coupled with the cost, we will carry on removing the slugs.  I do however, wish the villager good luck with the nematodes and would love to hear how effective they are.


Yesterday morning we went to the CPR & Defibrillator training and awareness session at the Parish Hall.  Former First Responder, Jim Begley, gave us a very detailed talk, covering various different scenarios, methods and procedures.  We learnt a lot.  Jim told us the three new defibrillators (junction of Coast Road with Mundesley Road, corner of the zigzag path to the beach and St Martins church) are due to be connected with the ambulance service shortly and will then be fully operational.  Defibrillators are a great aid. However, what do you do, while someone has gone to get a defibrillator, if they know the location, and there is a non-responsive person who needs help NOW…… before it’s too late.  The answer is to use CPR.  It is, important to learn how to give CPR.  Some people have been misinformed into thinking you only need a defibrillator.  If CPR is not used on a non-responsive person, they could be dead waiting while a defibrillator is sourced or for the ambulance service to arrive.  Jim demonstrated CPR, this simple life saving process, on a dummy, after which everyone present had the opportunity to ‘have a go’.  I can fully recommend anyone, to go along to a session at the Parish Hall.  The next ones will be on Tuesday 11th June, starting at 2pm and then again at 7pm.  Today’s photo shows the end of a demonstration during which CPR and a defibrillator was used on ‘volunteer Annie’.


© 2025 Overstrand Life - Janet Ellis

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