Saturday 5th February 2022 - Further Damage, Repairs, Two Firsts and Labyrinth
Sunday’s forceful winds resulted in further jostling, as well as some damage, to the beach huts. Without going into detail, the hut on plot one ended up on plot six and so the story went on. There was a comment on Facebook, suggesting the beach huts be removed at the end of the season and, as they do in Mundesley, put into storage for the winter. The response was interesting, in that since railings have been put up to the front of the huts this is no longer viable. In the past, it has felt as though Overstrand has been at the bottom of the list for repairs but not so this time, contractors have been working on the promenade re-instating and repairing the railings.
It’s the first time in two years, since we visited the Farmer’s Market in Aylsham to buy mutton from Green Farm Lamb’s stall. We greatly anticipated being able to purchase some cuts, in particular a half leg which when slow cooked surrounded by root vegetables makes such a tasty dinner and one which needs little attention. However we were disappointed. Some of the stalls we used to see where still there, along with some new ones, but no farmer’s wife, Jo, displaying lamb, hogget and mutton. I asked at the stall which was always adjacent to Jo’s only to be told she hadn’t been to the market for at least eighteen months, possibly two years. It was obvious I was not going to get any more information from them, so I left it at that and moved to the artisan baker’s display of breads and purchased a large seeded loaf. Feeling somewhat deflated, Peter walked back with Barney to the car while I took a detour into Tesco’s to purchase what we consider to be the best commercially produced custard tarts. (I hope they are as good as they used to be.)
This brings me on to the second first; my detour into Tesco’s was the first time I have been in a supermarket since March 2020. Donning my mask before entering the store, I quite expected to be in the minority wearing one but no, apart from one employee, everyone I saw had a face covering. Driving back home, we both noticed how much litter there was on the grass verges. I remember on the occasions we have driven to see family in Bucks; as we got closer we both commented on the rubbish strewn edges and central reservations on the roads. It now seems this disgusting habit of throwing trash out of windows, instead of taking it home, has migrated to this part of Norfolk. However, as we neared Roughton it was a far tidier scene; maybe in this area and onwards to Cromer and Overstrand there are those who are more considerate of the environment.
I spotted an article in the North Norfolk News about the unveiling of artwork, titled ‘Cretan Labyrinth’, on the bus shelter near the Belfry Arts Centre. According to the article this was created by local people and produced as a symbol of hope during the difficult days of Coronavirus lockdowns. Since reading the article, we incorporated a visit to the bus shelter into one of Barney’s afternoon walks, so I could take a photo. It is interesting that the labyrinth in Crete; I am referring to the one near Konossos, was not in the true sense of today’s definition a labyrinth at all but a maze. In Greek Mythology, Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of thread to unravel, thus enabling him to retrace his steps out of what was said to be a labyrinth, after killing and decapitating the Minotaur. Had it been a labyrinth then Theseus would have had no problem with dead ends and the like and would have walked through and emerged with no problems, no doubt encountering the Minotaur on his way. Similarly the unfortunate youths and maidens, provided by King Minos as food for the creature, would have easily found their way out, instead of getting lost and falling prey to the Minotaur. It was a maze Theseus went into, hence needing to follow the thread to find his way out. I imagine that, as the name labyrinth originates from the Greek language at the time of these myths, labyrinths and mazes were classed as one and the same and it is only in more recent times they have been segregated.
