Overstrand Life
Saturday 25th June 2022 - A Different Case, Brackets and Yard Sale
The arrival of the bee eaters in the Trimmingham area, where they are nesting, may be good news for birdwatchers but it is a different case for a local apiarist, who we understand now has an empty bee hive. We need bees to pollinate flowers and crops, so these visitors are not as welcome as we may have first imagined.
Yesterday afternoon we did a woodland walk which because Barney would have struggled with the distance and gradients, we have not done for a while. Whilst meandering along the paths I spotted a tree with very large brackets growing on its trunk. I don’t ever remember seeing brackets of this size before. In the woodland shade the photos I took are a bit dark but there is sufficient light to see the brackets impressive size.
If previous years are anything to go by, excluding the Covid years of course, then tomorrow will see Overstrand at its busiest. It is the Overstrand Village Yard Sale when people flock in search of a bargain. The event is organised by the fundraising group, Overstrand Together who put together a map, which is available from The White Horse on the day, showing which households will be participating. Overstrand Together also do a lot of advertising on social media and with posters too, so as to ‘cast the net’ and cover as wide an area as possible. We are partaking this year and have been gathering together all manner of goods we no longer require and hope to sell to raise money for FAITH Animal Rescue which is where we adopted Barney and our cat Poppy, both who are now sadly no longer with us.