Monday 26th July 2021 - Patchwork, Facelift and Summer Madness
At our WI meeting last Wednesday we wore masks, except when seated, and hand sanitiser was provided. We are a small group so there was no problem with social distancing. Yes, I know, we are no longer in lockdown and face coverings etc. are no longer a requirement but we all feel more comfortable wearing masks, until such time as we see a considerable reduction in Covid rates. Our speaker was Sue Oakes who brought along examples of her patchwork quilts. Forget about the traditional quilts because Sue’s are far more elaborate and I for one was greatly in awe of her skills. I left feeling inspired to ‘have a go’ at something simple during the coming winter months. The Parish Hall, where we meet, has had a facelift, with new paint and blinds etc. it has a bright and airy feel. Most of the historical photographs etc. that previously adorned the walls are not in place, but I guess they will be re-hung at a later date. A new rear extension has been erected making it far easier to access tables etc. All in all, it is a great improvement to this village facility.
For the past couple of weeks or so, each day when I log onto Facebook, there are reports from the Coastguard of various incidents they have attended, not just along the coastlines but on The Broads too. It has been said; when people come on holiday, they leave their brains at home, but this is a little unfair. Some are foolhardy but others are ignorant of the dangers when visiting the seaside or taking a trip on The Broads. Peter suggested an App which covers the entire UK coastline, with specific dangers outlined for the various areas. This could be a project for one of the Government Agencies. Posters are another possibility but would visitors stop to read them? Thinking of the dangers on our stretch of the coast here are a few that come to mind – weaver fish, underwater projecting remains of sea defences and vessels which are not visible, rip tides, water pollution following rain or high tides, inflatables that can be swept out to sea, our unstable cliffs where visitors sit directly underneath and some choose to scale. There are probably others which I have missed. Recently, we have seen people on the cliffs on two separate occasions. Today’s photo (focus is on seed heads which helps maintain some anonymity) show a group of three who on Saturday, were trying to work out how to get down onto the beach. One of the key considerations here is, if they got into problems it would be the Coastguard who would be called to assist them and in doing so they would be risking their safety or even their lives in such a rescue.