Monday 18th April 2022 - All About Easter
We have never been ones for doing anything much over Easter. Thinking back to when our sons were young there would, of course, be chocolate Easter Eggs, sometimes I made a Simnel cake and I once had a go at making Hot Cross buns which were not particularly successful. There was always a special lunch or dinner on the Sunday but we never strayed far from home. With the risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam, there seemed little point in going anywhere only to find when eventually you did arrive; there would be crowds and queues to contend with. There were visits to our sons’ grandparents and great grandparents, which were no great distance away, plus there were good walks nearby, across fields and through woodland. As far as we were concerned, it was far better to save any excursions further afield to a quieter weekend. When our sons were older and we were then both working, a four day break provided time to catch up on chores, the garden, or even a bit of decorating. Now, enjoying life here in Overstrand our Easter’s are still very low key and as to what we do, is as always, dependant on the weather.
A keen wind on Friday and Saturday subsided yesterday and is still calm today with a big plus; no rain. We have spent time in the garden, cutting back some shrubs which have had a growth spurt, moving pots, planting seeds, mowing and due to the lack of rain, watering in the late afternoon. In addition, Peter has done some odd jobs as well as starting a beer brew and on Saturday evening, after the wind had dropped, we had a BBQ. Barney has had his usual walks which is when I spotted a selection of painted stones, see photo, in the planters at the Information Point. These have become a regular feature, at special times of the year. By this morning they had all gone, I am guessing, children have taken them home to put in their gardens or as a decoration in their bedroom.
