Friday 11th December 2020 - The Coming Week's Weather
'I wonder what the coming week’s weather will have in store for us', was the question I posed at the end of my last blog. The short answer is, a heavy frost, blue skies, rain and grey skies, generally cold but warmer since it started raining but no high winds – in other words, a mix. I don’t have a lot to say today apart from, I really must make a start on Christmas preparations. This weekend, I plan to write our cards, ready to post next week, marinate the fruit for our Dundee cake and make a list of what we are going to eat and when over Christmas and the New Year. This morning, as well as the meat for the coming week, we purchased a rack of lamb and steaks to keep in the freezer for the New Year and some braising steak that I will probably cook as a warming goulash for Boxing Day. So that’s about it for today’s blog, apart from leaving you with a selection of the photos I took on our Tuesday morning’s frosty walk. These are self-explanatory, with the possible exception of the chimney stack; this is on the roof of the house in the village which in the past was owned by the Dutch Van Moppes family who are famous for dealing in diamonds. It is interesting to see different styles of chimney pots set in the stack.
