Friday 10th March 2023 - Awful, Delighted, Awards and Folk on the Strand
The weather so far this month has been awful, well for March it has been. Currently snow flurries are passing our window, the strong winds have blown over two of our garden chairs, the barbeque and two garden ornaments, and the temperature (with the wind chill) is struggling to keep above freezing – it’s absolutely horrible. But, it’s a whole lot worse in the north of the country where snow has been laying. A Facebook friend and fellow writer, woke this morning to a thick layer of snow which does look so pretty in the photos she posted of her garden, but personally I can do without it.
A large box was delivered yesterday, containing the house plants I ordered. After the stands had arrived with damage, which by the way the supplier insisted I received a full refund and not 50% as I suggested, I carefully opened the package hoping they were intact and hadn’t suffered in transit. I needn’t have been concerned they were extremely well packaged and the plants were in perfect condition. They are now in pots on the stands (Peter has touched in the paint damage) in the lobby and I am delighted with the whole effect. They have definitely brightened a gloomy March and I would certainly recommend the supplier.
I have been to the Music Room Café in The Belfry Centre, twice this week. First on Wednesday afternoon for our ex-WI members monthly meet up over tea and cake and again yesterday afternoon. In my role as Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Organiser for Overstrand I have been able to apply for service awards for those who have been volunteers, helping with the appeal in the village. Six volunteers qualified for awards, ranging from ten to twenty five years and the Music Room Café was a perfect venue yesterday for us all to meet and for me to be able to hand out the awards while we chatted over refreshments.
Stepping back now, to last weekend and Folk on the Strand. Villager Martin Dennis took photos of the performers and has very kindly sent my some of his shots to include here in my blog. Please observe Martin’s copyright to these photos, in the same way as my content here on Overstrand Life’s website. I have put Martin’s photo’s into a gallery – you just need to click on the frames to enlarge.