Sunday 3rd October 2021 - Frustrating, Flames and the 'Real Thing'
I find it very frustrating when my memory lets me down, resulting in spending time hunting through my brain cells trying hard to retrieve some fact, memory, name etc. I often find I have no problem remembering trivia and I am quite good with numbers. One example of recalling numbers occurred the other day. Peter suggested I downloaded the PressReader app, which if you are a library member enables you to read newspapers and magazines online for free. As part of the registration, I needed to enter my library pin number, something which I have only used once or twice since we joined the Norfolk County Council Library nearly thirteen years ago. This was no problem as it came to mind straight away and I was soon logged on and able to search through the comprehensive list of publications. I wish I could recall other information as easily as the pin!
I was quite alarmed the other evening; when I went to pull the blinds in our bedroom I saw a bright red glow well out at sea. My first thoughts were; it’s a ship on fire but looking through the telescope, yes there were flames but not from a ship but a well illuminated construction. A quick search on the Marine Traffic Locator website revealed it is, Blythe, an offshore structure and a further search showed this is part of an offshore gas development. Since then I have seen the glow every evening, when I presume they are burning off gas. Although you can just about see the structure with the naked eye during the day, there are no flames or glow to be seen during the hours of daylight.
A big achievement today; our youngest son and son-in-law have completed the London Marathon. They were successful in attaining a place in the 2020 London Marathon and were training when it had to be cancelled because of Covid. They ran the virtual marathon together last autumn but were finally able to do the ‘real thing’ today. I have been following their progress on the London Marathon’s app and was delighted when they both crossed the finishing line, though not both at the same time. Not only was this a personal achievement for them but they also raised, through sponsorship, a good sum for Cancer Research UK.
Today’s photo is of this morning’s unusual cloud formation. In the background, beyond the groynes, you can see what look like matchsticks in the sea; this is the Sheringham Shoal windfarm which is visible most days, except when there is a sea fret or similar.
