Sunday 26th February 2023 - Compound Gone and Footpath Plans
It's been another quiet few days. The wind has swung, now coming from a north easterly direction, making it feel very cold when we have been out for our walks. Last Sunday when it was warm and I thought winter was behind us, was definitely wishful thinking on my behalf. We have had some sun but this has been best enjoyed, behind glass.
We noticed the compound, used to store equipment etc., at the east end of the promenade has been cleared away. To me that indicates no more repairs will be carried out, here in Overstrand, well not for some time. However, the three areas needing attention, which I mentioned in my blog, dated 13th January, remain untouched and today I noticed, when I walked from the promenade down to the beach, one of the steps is extremely hazardous, whilst the bottom one has been almost completely eroded by the sea. Thinking about it, I should have taken a photo to show the poor state of repair. There are natural hazards posed by both the sea and the beach, which we all need to appreciate. However, if steps, railings, promenades etc. are introduced, then the organisation, in Overstrand’s case NNDC, should accept ongoing maintenance will be required and inspect the areas on a regular basis.
After that gripe, it was heartening to read on North Norfolk News’ website, about plans to improve some of the footpaths in the area. This follows a considerable number of complaints about the state of pathways. However, improvements all hinge on whether funding can be obtained from the Government. It is said, exercise helps improve our frame of mind, especially if we are feeling a bit down in the dumps. It doesn’t have to be hard physical exercise and a gentle stroll, taking in our surroundings and changes in the seasons must surely be the easiest form of exercising which is free and open to all who are physically able. I am therefore, in favour of the proposed improvements.
I’ll leave you today with a photo of the second bloom on one of our camelia bushes which unlike the first, has remained on the bush despite the winds.
