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Saturday 30th April 2022 - Any Better? and Approved

In my last blog, I said I hoped the wind would have dropped by the time I wrote this, my last blog for April. The answer is, yes it has and although there is still a definite chill in the air, this morning’s sun is most welcome and I am looking forward to spending some time later, in the garden.

Shortly after posting my last blog, I heard my first recording in Poppyland Studios has been approved. I now feel I can provide more details about my programme. It is called, Then & Now and will last for thirty minutes, or thereabouts. The first broadcast will be at the end of May and be fortnightly thereafter – I will provide more information as to the day and time nearer the date. You may ask, why such a gap between recording and broadcasting? The reason is, the amount of pre-recording work I need to put in, together with commitments. To explain more, I will be inviting guests to Poppyland Studios to talk about some interesting aspect of their lives, this could be in the past or current, or a mix of the two, hence the programmes name, Then & Now. Before we can begin recording, I will be meeting with each guest to gather information as to what they would like to talk about. Following this I will draft up a programme ‘menu’ and book recording time in the studio. All of this has to fit in with both my guests’ and my commitments. So, quite a bit of work involved.

Tulips flowers have taken the place of the long since faded daffodils. Living in a windy location, we can only grow short stem varieties, a group of which feature in today’s photograph.


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