Monday 20th January 2025 - They Made It!
After our family had to postpone their visit three times, they made it here on Friday. We had a great weekend, catching up on news etc. Especially interesting to hear were, the plans for their visit to see relations and friends in New Zealand and what our youngest son is going to do during his sabbatical. The weekend weather was kind, cold and overcast but no rain which enabled us to do a few walks (it was lovely to walk some of the paths and lanes we haven’t strolled along for some time). By the time they left yesterday there was a considerable reduction in the levels in our freezers! Quite often the journey from Bucks can be a bit on the arduous side, due to traffic levels, road works and the like, but this time they were lucky to have good runs both here and then back home again.
And that’s about all I have got to write about today apart from saying, it’s good to see catkins in the hedgerows and in our garden, both the flowers on the hamamelis and winter hellebore (see photo below) breaking open.
