Thursday 8th September 2022 - Topper, New Café and Burping
A first for Overstrand. A visitor has placed a knitted topper on the post box in front of the village stores. I have seen one on the outskirts of Cromer and pictures in magazines as well, all with different designs. Thanks to the generosity of an avid lady knitter, who is a regular visitor, we now have one too. I received a message from her husband who told me they have been visiting the village for over twenty years and hope to move here in the near future. The post and photos I put on Facebook have attracted numerous likes and comments. I have also posted my thanks for this bright and cheerful addition to Overstrand.

The Belfry Arts Centre has always had a facility for refreshments but recently two villagers, Julie and Matt, have taken over the café area, extended the opening hours and it is now called the Music Room. The prices are very competitive and when I popped in this morning to see if it was okay for eight of us ex-WI ladies to have tea and cake next week, I was greeted not only with a welcoming smile but also delicious smells from the cakes and savouries on offer. They also have a fruit and vegetable area, where you can bring in your excess produce to swap or if you don’t have anything to swap you can make a donation instead which will go towards the centre’s winter fuel bill and help keep it warm. This definitely looks as though it is going to be a valuable asset to both the centre and the village and I wish Julie and Matt all the best with this new venture.

Funny how something can bring back a memory. We were listening the other lunchtime to The Kitchen Cabinet, broadcast on the radio. They were discussing whether it was okay to burp, to show enjoyment of something eaten. The memory the programme evoked was of Barney, who sadly passed away three months ago today, he was a master of burping loudly in appreciation, after he had finished eating his dinner! As for us humans, it depends where you live, in China and Taiwan burping is the highest form of flattery – it means you like the food. The host considers the noise a complement.
I wrote the above this morning and since then we have heard of the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. I would like to join the millions by expressing my condolences to her family and also wish King Charles III the very best as he takes over the role from his Mother to reign over the Monarchy.