Monday 9th September 2024 - Garden Wildlife, Patterns and Doughnuts
After some weeks of not seeing any butterflies (apart from the occasional cabbage white) in our garden, over the weekend we were visited by red admirals and a peacock too. The red admirals were particularly enjoying the sedum flowers, the blooms favoured by the darters (see my last blog). There have been more darters about and at dusk the bats have been making an appearance over ours and neighbouring gardens. Anyone who knows me, will be aware I don’t like spiders. They really freak me when they run, and in our home, I dislike seeing their webs and the messes they drop which I have to wipe away. However, the other day I spotted a particularly colourful garden spider, so pretty I couldn’t resist taking a photo of it. So that’s it – spiders are okay outside but not indoors!

I like to see the various different patterns the receding sea leaves on the sands. The ones we saw on Sunday morning looked sculpted, with their ripples and undulations. On a bigger scale they would be comparable to those you may see on a desert scene; definitely worthy of capturing on my phone’s camera.

Tina has knitted a new topper for the post box, outside the village shop. A variety of cakes adorn her creation and hanging around the edge, doughnut keyrings for anyone to take. When I went to photograph the new topper this morning, all the keyrings had gone, so I am grateful to Simon who sent me some photos yesterday, complete with keyrings, which I have posted on Facebook, one of which I’ve included below.
