Tuesday 28th January 2025 - Impatient
I’m beginning to get a bit ‘cheesed off’ with the winter weather. Not a thing I can do about it, I know, but I’m getting impatient for those longer days and drier conditions too. It seems, just when the ground in the garden starts to dry then it rains and the ground is saturated again.
Not being able to garden outside; last week I consoled myself by purchasing two new house plants. These will in part, replace one of the clivias I lost recently and the three plants given to our family to take home, last weekend. The new additions are both variegated and are now nestled in, with a group of other plants. Our family took home, two paintbrush plants, offspring of the original given to us many years ago by Peter’s mum, and a bromeliad, again an offspring but this was from a plant we purchased, not long after we got married. I hope to take some leaf cuttings from the Christmas cacti, which I mentioned earlier this month. These should take, and provide another plant for our family to have in their home. It’s nice to be able to give away plants, especially when they have a bit of history behind them
Still on the subject of house plants, last year I created a bottle garden. This has done really well, as can be seen in the photo below. There have been no casualties and one plant is almost at the point of growing above the rim of the bottle. I think I will have to pinch out the growing tips and pot these up to see if they take as cuttings. Also growing indoors are our tomato plants and onion seedlings which will go out into the greenhouse when the weather perks up.
I’ve been getting ahead with some spring cleaning, washing down door frames, doors, skirtings and radiators. I got carried away upstairs and pulled out the tall boys in our bedroom, so I could clean behind them! I am still ploughing on with deleting some of the photos I took last year. I should be in a position to start numbering and titling the remaining ones (likely to be between four and five hundred) tomorrow.
