Sunday 7th January - Collating 2023 and Turned into a Gripe!
I have been collating my blogs for 2023, prior to printing and putting in a binder. As I read them through, one thing I didn’t need reminding off was, the miserable summer. In October I lamented at packing away the summer tops I never got to wear. Dare I hope for a better summer this year? I also had a few gripes, which were basically about government, companies and organisations that don’t act in the best interest of the general population etc. Then, on the positive side, Cliffhanger, constructed from storm debris, featured on Channel 4’s Britain’s Best Beach Huts, there were various village events and of course, the post box toppers made everyone smile.
I may regret having said this, but we really need to see an end to the rainfall. Natural Surroundings, set in the Glaven Valley and where we visited last May, reported on Facebook yesterday of having 54mm so far this month. This is as much as they would normally have in the entire month. This has resulted in the lower part of their site being awash. Here, in Overstrand, large lumps of masonry and concrete, the remains of the Overstrand Hotel, have made quite a lot of progress these past weeks, down the cliff. The car park on Pauls Lane has large puddles and what with two piles, one of earth the other of what looks like hogging and the remains of the tape and stakes put in to stop cars parking on the sodden areas and getting stuck, this area looks a total mess. Added to this are potholes and broken tarmac on pavements, providing trip hazards. The sign on the corner of Cliff Road remains at an angle and presents a danger to anyone walking here in the dark. Oh dear, looks as though my wish for less rain has turned into a gripe!
I think I have probably said enough for today. I’d better get back to my 2023 blogs and get the printer in motion but before I do, here is today’s photo. Even in winter, stunning scenes await us on our morning’s walks and despite today’s gripes, Overstrand remains a wonderful village to live in.
