Sunday 13th August 2023 - Successful Coffee Morning, Mega Car Boot, plus More
The Strand Club had a very successful coffee morning last Wednesday, raising just under £400 for the charity MIND. They are going to continue with fund raising and no doubt, come the end of the Club’s year they will have added to this sum.
There was a very impressive turnout of sellers at this week’s car boot sale. I think everyone must have been holding back for more predictable weather. The temperature was perfect and there were no winds to blow things about or rain showers to dampen items sellers had on display. The kitchen was doing a good trade with their refreshments and overall, it took us an hour and a half to wander round the field taking in all that was for sale. No prizes for guessing what I purchased, yes plants and Peter picked up some novels for winter reading.
The new stretch of pavement to the east of Danish House Gardens, shown in the phot above, was completed on Friday. The slabs placed to retain the bank look bland and stark. Someone suggested maybe Banksy could come along and add a piece of his artwork. Today we noticed lavenders have been planted between the hedge and the top of the slabs; once they have established, they will help provide relief from the starkness.
Peter spotted a large puff ball on a field edge the other afternoon. Nestled in the grasses I managed to place a 50p coin on top, to give an idea of its size, before taking a photo (see above). On the edge of the allotment track, which we often walk along, there is a tall globe artichoke. Nobody has cut any of the heads to cook and eat and so they have flowered. A member of the thistle family the flowers are impressive in size (see photo below).