Saturday 21st January 2023 - This & That
I almost forgot that I should be writing a blog today. In view of this I am going to make it a short one. Weather wise we have woken to a frost every morning which is something we don’t expect, here on the coast. I am hoping it will kill garden bugs and this encompasses the slugs too. Some days have been cloudy, others radiantly sunny which has melted the frost. In consideration of the frost and ice patches we have avoided walking on the promenade in the morning. With ambulance strikes, it couldn’t be a worst time to slip, fall and break a bone and be left waiting in the freezing cold for assistance. This afternoon, we walked across the back of the allotments and on along the edge of the neighbouring field, where there were quite a number, probably nine, magpies which flew off as soon as we came into sight. Stunning birds to look at but not good news for the baby birds that will hatch in the spring. We have noticed the rooks are starting to pair and it looks as though the blackbirds are too. I don’t imagine magpies will take on the rooks but will definitely raid blackbird and other smaller birds’ nests; but that is nature for you.
Indoors, I have been ‘tidying’ my two websites. On Overstrand Life, amongst other things, I have checked for broken links and you will find I have added, on the Village Calendar page, the dates set for Overstrand Together’s events this year. The steering group are looking for someone to take on the organisation of the Dog Show on 1st May. Help and guidance has been promised for what has always been a very popular event, attracting dogs and their owners from far and wide. If anyone is interested in organising the Dog Show, they can email Di Rolph for more information. On my publishing website, Clifftop Publishing, I have updated the pages and I am planning to record a section from one of my books to add to the site. More about this in a later blog.
Well, that’s it, not quite as short a blog as I first anticipated. Today’s photo is of the Clock Tower, situated in the grounds of The Pleasaunce, basking in the winter sunshine.
