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Friday 16th February 2024 - Communicating Trees, Coast Map and Old Photos

Writer's picture: Overstrand LifeOverstrand Life

After reading the article in the Smithsonian magazine (see my blog for 8th February), I purchased the book by Peter Wohlleben and titled The Hidden Life of Trees.  With so much interesting information, I have read just eighteen pages, so that I can take it all in and remember as much as possible.  It is not technical, well not what I have read so far, and very much in what is termed as ‘layman’s terms’. I am only just beginning to learn, how trees support and protect each other.


Since visiting the Coastwise event where we were unable to see the map of Overstrand, I have found it on NNDC’s website.  The map is on page twenty.   It’s far from clear but even though not precise, it definitely gives an idea as to which areas of the village are likely to survive after 2105. There is another clearer map in the Overstrand to Walcott Strategy Study, this is on page twenty-seven of the document. However, this was produced in 2004 and the banding may have changed since then.  I have not been able to find a more up to date map than this one, which may well show revised bands.


I have made more progress, than anticipated, on my memories.  After completing the section covering my paternal grandmother, I have now covered my paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother.  Inserting photos of them, into the document, reminded me of the negatives we found in the loft when we were clearing my parent’s house, after my mum passed away in 2020.  The negatives belonged to my paternal grandmother which Peter converted to positives, using an App he found.  I knew who some of the people were, others were a mystery.  A couple of second cousins were able to put names to some faces and one kindly sent me additional family photos.  Today’s photo is of two lovely ladies posing for the camera, probably around the 1910's to 1920's, who we were not able to identify and remain unknown.


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