living on the North Norfolk Coast
Overstrand Evening WI
Reflections and Onwards, by Nancy
No lovely relaxed Christmas meal for our WI this year.
No all kinds of so many things, all cancelled by Covid fear.
But WI bonds of friendship are never far away.
We are a close-knit clan, with friendships here to stay.
An only child, and not one planned,
When 17 years wed, my mum had ‘indigestion’
But then had me instead!
I had a lovely childhood,
And another ‘only’ met.
She lived a mere stones throw away –
We’re firm friends – even yet.
My mum moved to this village
(She didn’t have much choice)
But never joined in village life,
So never found her voice.
I feel I learned from her mistake
And after my dad died –
An early death we think today,
Once I had grieved and cried,
I joined our Evening WI –
The best move of my life.
Til then I’d trod that normal path
Of normal home-based life.
My widowed mum moved up with us,
Into a granny flat.
She was a real life granny too,
So really, that was that.
She’d been a conscientious mum,
And focused all on me.
As years slid past, I felt at last
There was far more to be.
I joined our new-formed WI
Which was a brilliant choice.
It’s given me a ‘family’, and given me a voice.
We last met on The Glorious 12th
Here in my garden sprawling.
That afternoon was baking hot …
Seductive shade was calling!
It was a joyful gathering,
Quite small but small is good,
And will live in my memory
As rightly so, it should.
When next we meet in these strange times,
I know not, but we will.
Of that I am quite certain
And once more have our fill
Of friendships, catch-ups, local news –
Of wild walks and much more.
We will survive and once more thrive
To savour what’s in store.