Wednesday 28th February 2024 - Promenade Closure, Crab Invasion and Yarn Art Group
Following the latest cliff slump below the Sea Marge, at the weekend the Council barricaded and closed this section of the promenade. However, although we have not been down to verify, after seeing people on Sunday afternoon walking in the closed off area, it very much looks as though the barriers have been moved away from the wall, despite the notice saying ‘No Entry’. Maybe those ignoring this, are either illiterate or not concerned there could be a sudden fall bringing down a massive quantity of material. Since then, I was messaged by a representative of the BBC, asking if they could use one of my photos (see below) to include in an online article they were preparing. This was one of the photos, I posted on Overstrand Life’s Facebook page. It isn’t of the best quality as I was facing into the sun but no complaints because Sunday was a glorious sunny day and just what we needed after so much rain. I agreed to them using my photo, and reading their now published article, they have also contacted the Council who say they expect the promenade will be re-opened by the end of the week.

We have a crab invasion! You only need to look at the new topper on the post box outside the village shop to see what I mean. So much work must have been put in, knitting/crocheting all those crabs. On the subject of knitting, I went along to the Yarn Art Group yesterday afternoon. They meet every Tuesday in the Belfry Centre, between one and three in the afternoon – if you are interested, do go along, you will be made most welcome. I contacted them last year, to see if they would be interested in producing something to use at St Martins Church during the British Legion Poppy Appeal. The group are definitely interested and came up with some brilliant ideas, far more inventive than mine. There are lots of things to think about and consider before they start work. I have a few photos and measurements to take, plus I will also be putting out an appeal for wool. So, as they say, watch this space.
